Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tufts Pride

For Ian, because everytime I see Jessica Biel, I can't help but think of him. And, of course, for everyone else who loves side boobs. But as I'm sure you all noticed too, her hair looked bad.


The DDB said...

Holy shit, I didn't even notice she hair, or even a head until that last sentence. I just saw tunnel vision sideboob amazingocity (J. Biel requires that I fabricate words to describe her incredibilitiness). Thank you Leigh.

Big Bin Hutchins said...

Sideboob is quite possibly nature's most awesome treasure. It can only be truly rivaled by the less tasteful, more elusive likes of such wonders as the almighty "panty shot".

Kak Nasty said...

that boob does look a little sickly. It's like a poor wounded fawn looking to find its way in to the DDB's mouth.

deepo said...


Mr. Johnson said...

under boob > sideboob + panty shot.