Thursday, February 15, 2007

Usual Suspeckts Video

What up my compadres. For my first dumpling on our soon-to-be legendary board of wisdom and humor I'm just leaving you guys a little video that the Usual Suspeckts put out. It is actually really well done and pretty dope, and if nothing else you guys can show it to friends who don't know U.S. and regale them with tales of partying with hip-hop susperstars at the legendary Long Crisp White Tee's radio show. To quote the wise and sage Bobby O, they're our "brothers from another mother...and father. We go back like jheri curl. ONE HUNNA!!!". With further ado, here is "Blood In My Eyes" from the Usual Suspeckts.

Further Ado: The story of our ridiculous exploits in Northampton did not end where I thought they had. Yesterday I noticed a charge on my bank statement from Clarion Hotels, and upon investigation I learned that we had been so obnoxiously loud, and garnered so many complaints, that room 134B (our neighbors) was comped their room for the night, and their tab for $118.57 was ceremoniously dumped upon us. I still say it was worth it.

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